Three Primaries 2016 | In the trajectory of the 2016 US elections, New York State held three primaries (4/19 Presidential 6/28 Congressional 9/13 State and Local) A series of performance demonstrations on the sidewalk of the Monroe County Board of Elections in Rochester, NY were enacted during each voting day.
How do we grow diverse candidates to harvest in the fall when the spring planting lacks everyone's seeds? What hinders the cultivation of elected representation? Why can't I vote in my tax-payer funded elections?
VOTE Ray Ray Mitrano for Unaffiliated NY Primary Voter: Tues. 4/19 Monroe County Board of Elections
No one was turned away from these polls today!
"My name is Ray Ray Mitrano and I'm running for Unaffiliated New York Primary Voter this Tuesday, April 19th infront of the Monroe County Board of Elections 39 W. Main St. Rochester, New York 14614
Join my rally on the sidewalk and cast your ballots straight into the nearby garbage can!
Ray Ray Mitrano has been a registered voter since turning 18 years of age over a decade ago. Choosing not to affiliate with a political party upon registration Ray Ray has voted in many of the yearly general elections, however, in New York state is not permitted to particpate in the Closed Two-Party Presidential Primaries. This hinders his ability to grow future presidents through diversely accessible elections. Nearly 30% of all NY registered voters are unaffiliated and not able to participate this Tuesday in the primary."
Can Ray Ray count on your vote this Tuesday? **This rally is free and open to the public. All media coverage is welcome.**
Part of VOTE Ray Ray Mitrano for Unaffiliated NY Primary Voter: Tues. 6/28 and I want to vote: Tues. 9/13
VOTE Ray Ray Mitrano for Unaffiliated NY Primary Voter: Tues. 6/28
Fake News coverage of the New York Congressional Primary in District 25 on Tues. June 28th, 2016. Great discussion on ballot access experiences, open, closed, top-two primaries, voter sabotage, ranked choice voting, voter turnout, H.R.2655, polling station worker eligibility and much more! Thanks to Noah Sargent and Tony D'Orazio for Congress, NY 25th Congressional District for coming out and sharing valueable perspectives.
The second of three 2016 New York primary elections is coming up this Tues. 6/28 • (4/19 Presidential 6/28 Congressional 9/13 State/County)
However, 30% of NY registered voters will once again be unable to participate in cultivating potential candidates for the fall election.
Many states are different. They have open primaries to voters regardless of affiliation. Some even utilize ranked choice voting and the top-two candidates, regardless of political party, go onto a fall election (Potentially a Democrat and a Democrat, or a Republican and a Republican, or maybe an Unaffiliated and a Democrat?) This method allows voters to cast robust, dynamic ballots that are not susceptible to voter sabotage (the main critique for opening party primaries.) Being tax-payer funded, shouldn't these very important elections be open to all voters?
This year, 88% of congress is up for re-election. Many districts in New York are amidst with vigorous campaigning for seats in the House of Representatives. However, Monroe County will not be holding any elections on Tuesday, since no potential candidates were able to successfully access the closed Democrat party ballot of the incumbent. None for the Democrat party Senate position either. No Republicans are contesting each other. Other party candidates seek those offices for the Nov. 8th General Election. Shouldn't we be getting to know as many options as possible beforehand? Growing the candidates and ideas we want, for a diverse, citizen tuned debate in the fall?
Fake News will be covering this sidewalk election via live stream. Watch live or later!
Part of VOTE Ray Ray Mitrano for Unaffiliated NY Primary Voter: Tues. 4/19 and I want to vote: Tues. 9/13
On the sidewalk of Monroe County Board of Elections engaging discussion on the idea of non-partisan, top-two, instant-runoff primaries in future New York Local, State and Federal Elections. It's the third time this year, during each of NY's three primaries.
The final of three 2016 New York primary elections (4/19 Presidential 6/28 Congressional 9/13 State/County)
30% of NY registered voters are once again unable to participate in cultivating potential candidates for the fall election.
Many states are different. They have open primaries to voters regardless of affiliation. Some even utilize ranked choice voting and the top-two candidates, regardless of political party, go onto a fall election (Potentially a Democrat and a Democrat, or a Republican and a Republican, or maybe an Unaffiliated and a Democrat?) This method allows voters to cast robust, dynamic ballots that are not susceptible to voter sabotage (the main critique for opening party primaries.) However, all NY taxpayers contribute toward the $25 million for our Board of Elections to host the four election days this year. Being tax-payer funded, shouldn't these very important elections be open to all voters?
This year, 88% of congress is up for re-election. Many State and Local governemt positions are, too. However, most are not amidst with vigorous campaigning for seats in the State Assembly, State Senate, County Judges, Clerks and much else. Monroe County district ballots are sparse for this Tuesday election. Many potential candidates are unable to successfully challenge access to the closed Democrat or Republican party tax-payer funded nominating processes.
Are we that satisfied with our civic environment? Is our lack of diverse, accessible primaries a reason for the lacking, or none, of quality candidates to choose from in the fall? Why is registered voter turnout only expected to be around 11% in Monroe County today?
Around 10% of Monroe County's eligible voting population participated in the Sept. 13th closed state and local primary. The final of three tax payer funded New York primaries this year.
Are we that satisfied with our civic environment?
Part of VOTE Ray Ray Mitrano for Unaffiliated NY Primary Voter: Tues. 6/28 and 4/19, too.